- When I lived in Jakarta, Puffy always ran so fast outside the house every time he saw the gate's open and I had to run and got some tactics to make him calm and not run when I moved suddenly to take him home.
- The first time he came to my house, he had fleas, so I was diligently took it from his body, gave him medicine, and clean the curtains-beds-sofas with his medicine.
- He loves to sleep on the sofa, under the chair, beside our beds.
- He once caught a big rat. ieewwhhh..
- He once loved to annoy a cat, but he got scratch from the cat's claws on his nose. silly Puffy..
- People called him anjing boneka: a puppy doll.
- He loves chicken satay and orange fruit.
- We love play peek a book with him, or play be quiet and boo (shocked game).
- He once made love with a PUPPY.
- He was a very jealous dog. He always barked when dad holding one of us on his back or when we just hugging. It's funny how he pushed us with his front legs and barking like we didn't suppose to do that without him. hahaha
I love him so much. Now, I think that's the reason when I feel a little bit disagree when someone (who never pet a dog) buy or pet a dog. I'm afraid they'll hurt their dog, they don't know how to pet their dog in a right way. I'm afraid they'll give their dog a chocolate or something dangerous. I'm afraid they do not bathe their dog and their dog becomes weak by fleas and their dreadlocks makes their skin itchy. I'm afraid they usually don't have enough money to pet a dog, because the treatment for a proper care is expensive. I'm afraid to pet a dog is just a trend, not something they do sincerely to make another God's creature happy and healthy. I'm afraid the owner doesn't have enough time for their dog. Dog is a dog, they are friendly, so are we, right?