It tells about a young woman named Alisha (Ladya Cheryl). She's so weird, maybe it because she witnessed her mother's death. Her mother committed suicide because her father was having an affair. She grew to be a loner, until one day she becomes obsessed to love the swimming pool cleaner, Bari (Donny Alamsyah). He began to stay in the room next to the man's room, in an apartment. Bari who was writing a story about life in the apartment was apparently living with a woman, Renta (Kinaryosih). Alisha admitted named Mia to them. Bari took a tour of Mia in the apartment and told the lives of some people who fall into his story. Alisha tried to help Bari to end Bari's her own way...
The best horror movie from Indonesia! heheh..
Interesting story concept, almost like a 'Blair Witch Project'.
a group of film crew will be making a film in Jogja. They stayed in a house that has a set of gamelan.The first night, the main actors can not sleep by the sound of someone crying. They think that the iPod sound that on. Male crews inspect the exterior of the house, so did the cameraman who documented their filmmaking process. Suddenly, the cameraman accidentally caught a sight of a red dress woman running into the house. Exciting right? Me and my boyfriend were surprised because suddenly the camera captures pocong.
Dear god. In your majesty, You create differences. In my arrogance, I question Your wisdom. In your mistery, You create temptation. In my inferiority, You make me more than I am. So here I am, surrender me in the agony of Your love. Surrender me in the irony of Your law. Let me to the joy of love redivined. Teach me how to love You more.
It tells about Cina, a poor Chinese Catholics who experience love with Annisa, an Indonesian native, Muslim, artists and rich. We will listen to various kinds of intelligent and open minds of two people who have many differences and conflicts. We can learn to see things from different angles. Be like Cina and Annisa. A good film, but a little bit makes me sleepy. And again the voice was not so clear (I watched the original movie).
fiksi! keren yah! cin(t)a juga bagus.. dialognya oke. kalo keramat gw ga nonton. gw ga suka horor.. hehe
keramat is the best Indonesian horror deh dan..
Fiksi keren. kalo cin(t)a sharusnya bagus, tapi suaranya tuh mendem gitu ga bersih.padahal gw ntn ori loh.
yaa, gw ga suka horor
fiksi oke bgt. gw sempet ngobrol sama mouly suryanya waktu itu.. hehe
cinta emg gitu kayaknya.. dia kan independen gitu kalo ga salah, jadi mungkin budgetnya ga sgitu kuat, jadi soundnya ga sgitu bagus.. stau gw sih gitu..
sayang ya..
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