Sunday, January 27, 2013

Tiny Dragon and Plants

 Me, my sister, and my dad went to a plant market in Bantul. There's so many beautiful flowers and plants. I was looking for flower seeds, but I think they don't sell flower seeds : |
My dad bought a big pot of something silver. It was full of green-silver leaves.
I took a picture of a tiny dragon has adventure around the plants market : D
The tiny dragon had sunbathing I think

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ah Human

Sometimes people throw away something good for something better, only to find out later that good was actually good enough and better never even came close. -Susan Gale

I can't be more agree with that. Ah human.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Learn to Take a Risk?

'Take a risk' is something that always come to my mind since a friend ask me to think about it.In the city where I live, most of people love being just they are. They don't even try to get something better with working harder. Their willingness to be better has to be the fastest one, automatic, instant, but easy. they think it's enough to be just like that, God give them this and we just have to be grateful. Take a risk for them is take a risk as a native, as what they are, be grateful and not really interested to be better or richer or to be liked and so on by trying harder or to compete.

Sadly, I will become one of them maybe. I don't want to give up on something which is not really difficult than what my parents had done to live. I want to have a willingness to compete. I don't wanna be the weakest one. I wanna have a strong will to be better. I'm not Mr Teguh who talk lots of powerful words. I just wanna have a strong heart to be tough and good enough brain to survive.

Take a risk for me was when I chose to stay in dormitory and lived in different city from my family, I have to take care myself for the first time, everyday..
Take a risk was a day when I open my heart to someone who wants to be my partner. I take a risk to divide my mind. I have to think about me myself to survive in my difficulties, especially study, and to put my heart as someone who I have to understand. I have to understand my life and someone's life, LEARN to live as one from two different figures, try to put others feeling before mine, and try to put happy face when tears try to come out. I was taking this risk.

I don't think it was easy, but it is. It will be more difficult when I take RISKS.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 People.. I Got Jackpot

Ughh.. I still dizzy when I write this, but I just can't keep sleeping. I always wake up before 9 in the morning even when I slept at 4 last night. Well, I went to my the new year BBQ of boyfriend's family, but Yogyakarta was awfully rain. We were just enjoying our chitchat there and there, even though we're not that close (I'm not their family, just a friend of my boo), but they were so nice to me. And I think I couldn't really feel this 2012 Christmas and 2013 new year. Everything are good, but I didn't really into it.

Anyway, after new year and lots of noises this city made, me and boo went to the center of this city, Malioboro (not Marlboro) I got maag or in English maybe called gastritis. I felt it in my boo's house. hoeekk..I thought I'll faint and throw up at the same time, then I told him to get me out of there before they brought me to the hospital.
I bought and drank gastritis pill, waited for an hour and I drank VODKA. It's not a strong vodka. I often drink it more than a bottle (so far almost 3bottles) and I didn't feel strong effect until last nigh. I only drink a bottle and I got my head spinning and yes I thought I'll throw up in front of my friends (we were with some friends). I told boo that I should go home and he was a bit panicked. He's afraid it was because of my medicine plus alcohol.
In my house, I took a shower and yes I got JACKPOT. I threw up my blue liquor and stuffs. sorry I'm telling you this cute yuck things. Then I went to sleep and woke up at 7 or 8 I'm not sure.

So, Happy new year dude.