Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Old and Still Best Friend

minus Sissy
People need each other to live. You may thought about your beloved; parents, brother or sister, best friend, or usually boyfriend or girlfriend. Parents might be the one who knew everything, but sometime they won't listen because they always think that they are right. Sister and brother? Well, I have a young sister and we talk usually only when we need to. Boyfriend? I still not sure that he's the one who'll be with me 'till the end.
 I love them all, but I need a person who want to hear my story without worrying about he/she will disappear and hate me or will never meet me anymore.

I have forever friends that I absolutely sure, they won't leave me till the end. Just like a husband in marriage (based on my type of a husband -no divorce thing-).

myrs: meilisa,yaya,rani(me),sissy. We don't mean to make a group of special people or something, but we just feel so clique with each other like nothing is hidden. We still make friend with other people, but we still share our lives and take care each other from a distance. We split into Jogja, Bandung, Jakarta, and Singapore.

I feel that our souls become one every time we meet or just sharing stories.
Sound excessive, but that's how I feel

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