Saturday, November 2, 2013

People Come and Go, Dear..

How are you people who went out of my life? You're just in different role of my life now. You were close to me and my best friends too, but you choose to disappear from me. I can understand. There must be some reason that can make you do something like that.
Our past problems, my freak and weird character or attitude, afraid that you'll bother my relationship, i'm not as rich as you, you have your own world, don't like my attitude, and many more.
People like you, and some dislike you. I totally understand. I won't try hard to make them love me. it's their right. We're just pathetic human, anyway..

Then they who love me always here to support me. So, why should I bothered people who get out of my life. Sad at first, but yes.. people come and go. Maybe I come and go too in somebody else's life. Maybe we'll meet one day and become friend again.

Glad you leave me usually when I know I have my best people. I won't feel lonely. People may hate me. They may like me after they understand me. Everybody's changing. You'll be surprised.
I experienced it, so maybe it is my reason being so insecure. I always put up a shield between me and people. It is hard to be so close with someone for me. I rarely trust someone, that's why people think that I'm rude, cynical, and ignorant. But when I care, I care too much, sometime being so over protective.

Easy come, easy go
That's just how you live (Grenade - Bruno Mars)

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