Wednesday, September 19, 2012

PMS, You Guys Never Understand Our Selfish Side

PMS (Pramenstrual Syndrome). We, women, feel something you guys never feel.
Physically: Breast swelling and tenderness, acne lack of energy, suddenly need sweet or salty food so we'll get fat faster, decreased sexual desire, migraine, hard to sleep,etc.

 Emotionally: depressed, hopelessness, anger, irritability, sadness, mood swings, inability to concentrate, anxiety, etc.

When we have our PMS, you guys will mad at us or ignore us. You guys think that we make you boring and there's no time for you guys to spoil us and listen our laments, you think you have another things important. We, women, most of the time (when we have our PMS) cannot thing logically and accept your reasons, we just need someone who we trust the most to accompany us to listen our laments and rub our back and tell us:
" Hey, it's not the end of the world. You don't have to worry so much about this. I know you can handle it. You're better than me to handle this feeling. Hey, you know I was planning to play this vid game with a friend,and I'll text you later to make sure you're okay. "

These days I feel my thesis will kill me and I just cannot do my thesis tonight, I don't think I can concentrate on it. Really. Tonight, I think I need to be spoiled a bit with some chit chats and someone who patiently listen (without distracted by texting of course, as always)and calm me down just for my PMS.
I don't need to be ignore or someone told me I have to race my thesis so that I can graduate this years, It is my dream when I'm not in my PMS, I just too emotional when I'm in PMS. Don't you get it?

We, women, just can't admit that we are in PMS. We don't want you guys treat us like you are insincere, like it is snide. At that time, it's like we don't really know what happened to us.

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